Dear readers and tea lovers,
while right now I‘m already deep into the new (and hopefully last) schoolyear, only three weeks ago I was in Greece on a field excursion of our school. As we visited Athens, Delphi, Mycaenae and more – which was so fascinating, even though the weather was way to hot -, I had no choice but to pack a read to match our sightseeing tour. I actually already listened to Stone Blind as an audiobook last year but couldn’t help it as I recently saw it in a bookshop. I bought it, decided to reread it as I loved it the first time around, and then it accompanied me on said 10-day trip, and is a sort of memory holder for me now.
Kategorie: English

Yeah, I know: Technically, the holidays are over, and most people probably aren’t exactly looking for stories (partly) Hannukah / Christmas / the Holidays anymore. Still, I really want to write some lines about this book, which is why this review of How to Excavate a Heart is for those who don’t mind reading about two girls falling in love during winter break, or already want to find something to add to their wishlist for next year.

Dear readers and tea lovers,
long time no see, I know. But first of all: Why am I writing this post in English?? The rest of this blog is obviously in German, even the reviews I wrote of Englisch books – and that last part is what I’d like to change. I am reading more and more English books and I simply don’t see the point in writing about them in another language. Still, English is – as one might notice – not my first language, which is why I am sure there will be a few mistakes in these texts (especially since there are some in the German ones as well). So, please don’t mind that. I’m still learing – and these texts on my blog will hopefully be a good practice.
Now, that we’ve got that done, let’s finally come to talk about the book this post is about: Uprooted by Naomi Novik. I read this story back in November and I’m pretty sure that was the best time I could have chosen to do so. But even though it’s not November anymore: Don’t worry, I assure you reading it now will be as great. (Even though it might make your Christmas tree look a little intimidating.)